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Description: Request For Comments

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Listed below is the contents of file draft-bidulock-sigtran-m2ua-ss7test-00.txt.

Network Working Group                                     Brian Bidulock
INTERNET-DRAFT                                       OpenSS7 Corporation

                                                           July 26, 2003
Expires in January 2004

                 SS7 MTP2-User Adaptation Layer (M2UA)
                        SS7 Test Specifications

Status of this Memo

     This document is an Internet-Draft and is subject to all provisions
  of Section 10 of RFC2026.

     Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
  Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups.  Note that other
  groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts.

     Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
  months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents
  at any time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
  material or to cite them other than as 'work in progress'.

     The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at

     The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at

     To learn the current status of any Internet-Draft, please check the
  Directories on (Africa), (Europe), (Pacific Rim), (US East Coast), or (US West Coast).


     Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003).  All Rights Reserved.


     This Internet-Draft provides information for the Internet community
  on the implementation of test cases for testing the SS7 MTP2-User
  Adaptation Layer [M2UA] Signalling Gateway (SG) based on the
  conformance test specifications for SS7 MTP Level 2

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1.  Introduction

     This draft provides details for implementation of testing of SS7
  MTP-User Adaptation Layer [M2UA] Signalling Gateways (SG) based on the
  test specifications for SS7 MTP Level 2 [Q.780..M2PATEST04].  The
  general aspects for SS7 protocol testing [Q.780, M2PATEST04] describes
  the requirement for an MTP Level 3 Simulator in the test environment
  for SS7 MTP Level 2 testing [Q.781, M2PATEST04].  This MTP Level 3
  Simulator is responsible for issuing and accepting request and
  indication primitives as well as sending and receiving signalling
  messages [Q.780, M2PATEST04].

     This memo describes how the MTP Level 3 Simulator would use SS7
  MTP2-User Adaptation Layer messages to test a Signalling Gateway
  implementation of [M2UA].

1.1.  Scope

     Although the SS7 MTP Level 2 test cases [Q.781, M2PATEST04] are
  applicable in entirety to SS7 signalling links implemented at the M2UA
  Signalling Gateway, this memo details the mapping of M2UA messages to
  SS7 Message Transfer Part (MTP) Signalling Link [Q.703, M2PA09]
  signals used in the SS7 MTP Level 2 tests [Q.781, M2PATEST04].

1.2.  Abbreviations

      ANSI --American National Standards Institute.
      ASP  --Application Server Process.
      BSNT --Backward Sequence Number Transmitted.
      CPT  --Compatibility Test.
      ETSI --European Telecommunications Standards Institute.
      FSNC --Forward Sequence Number Confirmed.
      I-D  --Internet-Draft.
      IETF --Internet Engineering Task Force.
      IOT  --Interoperability Test.
      IPSP --IP Signalling Point.
      ITU  --International Telecommunications Union.
      IUT  --Implementation Under Test.
      M2PA --SS7 MTP2-User Peer-to-Peer Adaptation Layer.
      M2UA --SS7 MTP2-User Adaptation Layer.
      MTP2 --MTP Level 2.
      MTP  --Message Transfer Part.
      PT   --Protocol Tester.
      RFC  --Request For Comments.
      RTB  --Retransmission Buffer.
      SCTP --Stream Control Transmission Protocol.
      SG   --Signalling Gateway.
      SGP  --Signalling Gateway Process.
      SP   --Signalling Point.
      SS7  --Signalling System No. 7.
      TC   --Test Case.

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      TS   --Test Suite.
      VAT  --Validation Test.

1.3.  Terminology

  Compatibility Test (CPT)-- A test where multiple implementations are
      tested in interaction with each other to test for compatibility
      between implementations.

  Implementation Under Test (IUT)-- An implementation being tested (the
      object of testing) as part of a validation, compatibility or
      interoperability test within the test environment.

  Interoperability Test (IOT)-- A test where multiple implementations
      are tested in interaction with each other to test for
      interoperability between implementations.

  M2UA Monitor-- A device or function used to monitor, capture, record
      and analyze the exchange of M2UA messages across and IP network
      between implementations or protocol testers.  This device function
      may be integrated with a protocol tester.

  MTP Level 3 Simulator-- A device or function used to simulate the SS7
      MTP Level 3 [Q.704] to SS7 MTP Level 2 [Q.703, M2PA09]
      implementation.  This device or function may be integrated within
      the Test Environment.  This device or function is normally
      required for SS7 MTP Level 2 Test Specifications [Q.781, M2PA09]
      validation, compatibility or interoperability tests.

  Protocol Tester (PT)-- A device or function used to generate normal or
      abnormal messages and test sequences for the purpose of validation

  Signalling Link-- A signalling link, SS7 [Q.703] or M2PA [M2PA09],
      used to carry SS7 MTP Level 2 signalling between IUT and PT.

  Test Case-- A particular sequence of messages and patters that make up
      a single validation, compatibility or interoperability test.

  Test Environment-- The environment that contains the testing device
      and functiosn necessary and sufficient for executing a test suite.

  Test Suite-- A collection of test cases meant to acheive a specific
      objective of validation, compatibility or interoperability

  Validation Test (VAT)-- A test where a single implementation is tested
      in interaction with a protocol tester to test for validation of
      the implementation to a technical specification.

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1.4.  Conventions

  appear in this document, are to be interpreted as described in RFC
  2119 [RFC 2119].

2.  Test Environment

     The test environment for SS7 MTP Level 2 [Q.781, M2PATEST04]
  testing is described in the General Aspects of SS7 testing [Q.780,
  M2PATEST04].  There are two types of testing that are accomodated as

  Validation Testing -- consists of validating a single Implementation
      Under Test (IUT).  This is performed by connecting the IUT to a
      Protocol Tester (PT) within the test enviroment.

      Validation testing is more extensive that compatibility testing.
      This is because it is possible, with the use of the Protocol
      Tester (PT), to generate messages and patterns, that cannot
      normally be generated from an implementation, to test the response
      of the Implementation Under Test (IUT) to abnormal conditions.

  Compatibility Testing -- consists of testing the compatiability of one
      Implementation Under Test (IUT) with another.  This is performed
      by connecting the IUTs together within the test environment.

      Compatibility testing is less extensive than validation testing.
      This is because it is not normally possible to generate non-
      compliant test patterns with an implementation that conforms to
      validation testing.  However, compatibility tests are better at
      testing the interoperability of two implementations.

  Interoperability Testing -- consists of testing the interoperability
      of one Implementation Under Test (IUT) with another.  This is
      performed by connecting the IUT together within the test

      Interoperability testing is more extensive than compatibility
      testing and less extensive than validation testing.  Where
      compatibility testing assumes that the IUT have passed validation
      testing, interoperability testing makes no such assumption.  In
      addition, the test environment is expected to have more control
      over the IUT in interoperability testing than in compatibility
      testing.  It may be possible to generate some message and command
      or response sequences that would not normally by possible with an
      IUT during compatibility testing.

      The objectives of interoperability testing are often different
      than compatibility testing.  The object of compatibility testing
      is to assure that an implementation that passes validation testing
      is, in other respects not tested by validation testing, compatible
      with other such implementations.  The object of interoperability

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      testing is to show that there exist implementations with which
      each of the IUT being tested can indeed function.

      Although they have different objectives, the test environment
      configuration for interoperability testing is the same as that for
      compatibility testing.

2.1.  Test Configurations

     This section details the Validation and Compatibility test
  configurations used for testing M2UA SG and ASP for SS7 MTP Level 2

2.1.1.  Validation Test Configuration

     Validation testing consists of validating a single Implementation
  Under Test (IUT) for SS7 MTP Level 2 conformance.  Several test
  configurations can be used with M2UA Signalling Gateways (SG) and
  Application Server Processes (ASP) as follows:  SS7 Validation Test Configuration

     Figure 1 illustrates the Validation Test configuration.  As
  described in the SS7 Test Specification [Q.780, M2PATEST04], the SS7
  Level 2 validation testing environment consists of the following

   (1)   The Implementation Under Test (IUT) that is being validated a
         position "SP A".

    |                                                             |
    | TEST ENVIRONMENT                                            |
    |                                    MTP Level 3 Simulator    |
    |       ___________                      _____|_____          |
    |      |           |                    |           |         |
    |      |    PT     |____________________|    IUT    |         |
    |      |   SP B    |  |  Signalling     |   SP A    |         |
    |      |___________|  |     Link        |___________|         |
    |         SS7 PT      |                    M2UA SG            |
    |                     |                                       |
    |                 ____|____                                   |
    |                |         |                                  |
    |                |  Link   |                                  |
    |                | Monitor |                                  |
    |                |_________|                                  |
    |                                                             |

              Figure 1.  Validation Test Configuration #1

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   (2)   The MTP Level 3 Simulator attached to the IUT at position "SP

   (3)   The Protocol Tester (PT) performing validation tests at
         position "SP B".

   (4)   A Signalling Link [Q.703 or M2PA09] between the PT at position
         "SP B" and the IUT at position "SP A".

   (5)   A Link Monitor monitoring the message exchange accross the
         Signalling Link [Q.703 or M2PA09].  This function MAY be
         integrated with the Protocol Tester or the Test Environment.

     For this configuration, the interface between the Implementation
  Under Test (IUT) and the MTP Level 3 Simulator is that described in
  the SS7 Test Specification [Q.780, M2PATEST04].  This is the normal
  configuration for SS7 MTP Level 2 testing [Q.781, M2PATEST04] and is
  not modified by this memo.  Normal SS7 MTP Level 2 testing SHOULD be
  performed on the M2UA SG before performing validation, compatibility
  or interoperability tests in the other configurations described in
  this memo.  SG Validation Test Configuration

     Figure 2 illustrates the Validation Test configuration.  As
  described in the SS7 Test Specification [Q.780, M2PATEST04], the SS7
  Level 2 validation testing environment consists of the following

    |                                                             |
    | TEST ENVIRONMENT                                            |
    |                                    MTP Level 3 Simulator    |
    |                                             |               |
    |                                       M2UA  |  SCTP         |
    |                                             |  Association  |
    |       ___________                      _____|_____          |
    |      |           |                    |           |         |
    |      |    PT     |____________________|    IUT    |         |
    |      |   SP B    |  |  Signalling     |   SP A    |         |
    |      |___________|  |     Link        |___________|         |
    |         SS7 PT      |                    M2UA SG            |
    |                     |                                       |
    |                 ____|____                                   |
    |                |         |                                  |
    |                |  Link   |                                  |
    |                | Monitor |                                  |
    |                |_________|                                  |
    |                                                             |

              Figure 2.  Validation Test Configuration #2

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   (1)   The Implementation Under Test (IUT) that is being validated at
         position "SP A".

   (2)   An MTP Level 3 Simulator attached to the IUT at position "SP

   (3)   The Protocol Tester (PT) performing validation tests at
         position "SP B".

   (4)   A Signalling Link [Q.703 or M2PA09] between the PT at position
         "SP B" and the IUT at position "SP A".

   (5)   A Link Monitor monitoring the message exchange accross the
         Signalling Link [Q.703 or M2PA09].  This function MAY be
         integrated with the Protocol Tester or the Test Environment.

     In addition, this memo specifies the interface between the
  Implementation Under Test (IUT) and the MTP Level 3 Simulator [Q.780,
  M2PATEST04] within the test environment.

     The MTP Level 3 Simulator SHALL be attached to the IUT a position
  "SP A" using an M2UA SCTP Association.  The MTP Level 3 Simulator
  SHALL inject and collect M2UA messages to and from the IUT during the
  performance of SS7 MTP Level 2 testing [Q.781, M2PATEST04].  The MTP
  Level 3 Simulator SHALL inject and collect the M2UA messages as
  decribed in Section 4 of this document.  SG-ASP Validation Test Configuration

     Figure 3 illustrates a Validation Test Configuration that includes
  an ASP in the validation tests.  In this case the MTP Level 3
  Simulator is connected at the ASP rather than directly to the SG.  In
  this configuration, the combination of ASP and SG form the
  Implementation Under Test (IUT).

     For this configuration the interface between the MTP Level 3
  Simulator and the M2UA ASP is the same as for normal SS7 MTP Level 2
  Testing [Q.780..M2PATEST04].  The test envirnoment SHOULD include
  monitoring of the M2UA SCTP Association to ensure the mapping between
  SS7 MTP Level 2 [Q.703, M2PA09] signals, SS7 MTP Level 2 Test
  Specification [Q.781, M2PATEST04] commands, and SS7 MTP2-User
  Adaptation Layer [M2UA] messages as described in Section 4.

2.1.2.  Compatibility Test Configurations

     Compatibility testing consists of testing two Implementations Under
  Test (IUT) for compatibility with each other.  Several test
  configurations can be used with M2UA Signalling Gateways (SG) and
  Application Server Processes (ASP) as follows:  SS7 Compatibility Test Configuration

     Figure 4 illustrates the Compatibility Test configuration.  As
  described in the SS7 Test Specification [Q.780, M2PATEST04], The SS7

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    |                                                             |
    | TEST ENVIRONMENT                                            |
    |                                    MTP Level 3 Simulator    |
    |                                        _____|_____          |
    |                                       |           |         |
    |                                       |    IUT    | M2UA    |
    |                                       |   SP A    | ASP     |
    |                                       |___________|         |
    |                                             |               |
    |                                       M2UA  |  SCTP         |
    |                                             |  Association  |
    |       ___________                      _____|_____          |
    |      |           |                    |           |         |
    |      |    PT     |____________________|    IUT    |         |
    |      |   SP B    |  |  Signalling     |   SP A    |         |
    |      |___________|  |     Link        |___________|         |
    |         Protocol    |                    M2UA SG            |
    |          Tester     |                                       |
    |                 ____|____                                   |
    |                |         |                                  |
    |                |  Link   |                                  |
    |                | Monitor |                                  |
    |                |_________|                                  |
    |                                                             |

              Figure 3.  Validation Test Configuration #3

    |                                                             |
    | TEST ENVIRONMENT                                            |
    |                                                             |
    |   MTP Level 3 Simulator            MTP Level 3 Simulator    |
    |       _____|_____                      _____|_____          |
    |      |           |                    |           |         |
    |      |    IUT    |____________________|    IUT    |         |
    |      |   SP B    |  |  Signalling     |   SP A    |         |
    |      |___________|  |     Link        |___________|         |
    |         M2UA SG     |                    M2UA SG            |
    |                     |                                       |
    |                 ____|____                                   |
    |                |         |                                  |
    |                |  Link   |                                  |
    |                | Monitor |                                  |
    |                |_________|                                  |
    |                                                             |

             Figure 4.  Compatibility Test Configuration #1

  Level 2 compatibility testing environment consists of the following

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   (1)   One Impementation Under Test (IUT) for compatibility testing at
         position "SP A".

   (2)   An MTP Level 3 Simulator attached to the IUT at position "SP

   (3)   Another Impementation Under Test (IUT) for compatibility
         testing at position "SP B".

   (4)   Another MTP Level 3 Simulator attached to the IUT at position
         "SP B".

   (5)   A Signalling Link [Q.703 or M2PA09] between IUT at position "SP
         A" and IUT at position "SP B".

   (6)   A Link Monitor monitoring the message exchange accross the
         Signalling Link [Q.703 or M2PA09].

     For this configuration, the interface between each Implementation
  Under Test (IUT) and the MTP Level 3 Simulator is that described in
  the SS7 Test Specifications [Q.780, M2PATEST04].  This is the normal
  configuration for SS7 MTP Level 2 testing [Q.781, M2PATEST04] and is
  not modified by this memo.  Normal SS7 MTP Level 2 testing SHOULD be
  peformed on the M2UA SG before performing compatibility tests in the
  other configurations described in this memo.  SG Compatibility Test Configuration

    |                                                             |
    | TEST ENVIRONMENT                                            |
    |                                                             |
    |   MTP Level 3 Simulator            MTP Level 3 Simulator    |
    |            |                                |               |
    |      M2UA  |  SCTP                    M2UA  |  SCTP         |
    |            |  Association                   |  Association  |
    |       _____|_____                      _____|_____          |
    |      |           |                    |           |         |
    |      |    IUT    |____________________|    IUT    |         |
    |      |   SP B    |  |  Signalling     |   SP A    |         |
    |      |___________|  |     Link        |___________|         |
    |         M2UA SG     |                    M2UA SG            |
    |                     |                                       |
    |                 ____|____                                   |
    |                |         |                                  |
    |                |  Link   |                                  |
    |                | Monitor |                                  |
    |                |_________|                                  |
    |                                                             |

             Figure 5.  Compatibility Test Configuration #2

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     Figure 5 illustrates the Compatibility Test configuration.  As
  described in the SS7 Test Specification [Q.780, M2PATEST04], The SS7
  Level 2 compatibility testing environment consists of the following

   (1)   One Impementation Under Test (IUT) for compatibility testing at
         position "SP A".

   (2)   An MTP Level 3 Simulator attached to the IUT at position "SP

   (3)   Another Impementation Under Test (IUT) for compatibility
         testing at position "SP B".

   (4)   Another MTP Level 3 Simulator attached to the IUT at position
         "SP B".

   (5)   A Signalling Link [Q.703 or M2PA09] between IUT at position "SP
         A" and IUT at position "SP B".

   (6)   A Link Monitor monitoring the message exchange accross the
         Signalling Link [Q.703 or M2PA09].

     In addition, this memo specifies the interface between the
  Implementation Under Test (IUT) and the MTP Level 3 Simulator [Q.780,
  M2PATEST04] within the test environment.

     The MTP Level 3 Simulators SHALL be attached to the IUT at position
  "SP A" and the IUT at position "SP B" using an M2UA SCTP Association.
  The MTP Level 3 Simulator SHALL inject and collect M2UA messages to
  and from the IUT during the performance of SS7 MTP Level 2 testing
  [Q.781, M2PATEST04].  The MTP Level 3 Simulator SHALL inject and
  collect the M2UA messages as decribed in Section 4 of this document.  SG-ASP Compatibility Test Configuration

     Figure 6 illustrates a Compatibility Test Configuration that
  includes an ASP in the compatibility tests.  In this case the MTP
  Level 3 Simulator is connected at the ASP rather than directly to the
  SGs.  IN this configuration, the combination of each ASP and SG form
  the two Implementations Under Test (IUT).

     For this configuration, the interface between the MTP Level 3
  Simulator and the M2UA ASP is the same as for normal SS7 MTP Level 2
  Testing [Q.780..M2PATEST04].  The test environment SHOULD include
  monitoring of the M2UA SCTP Association to ensure the mapping between
  SS7 MTP Level 2 [Q.703, M2PA09] signals, SS7 MTP Level 2 Test
  Specification [Q.781, M2PATEST04] commands, and SS7 MTP2-User
  Adaptation Layer [M2UA] messages as described in Section 4.

2.2.  Testing Methodologies

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    |                                                             |
    | TEST ENVIRONMENT                                            |
    |                                                             |
    |   MTP Level 3 Simulator            MTP Level 3 Simulator    |
    |       _____|_____                      _____|_____          |
    |      |           |                    |           |         |
    |      |    IUT    | M2UA               |    IUT    | M2UA    |
    |      |   SP A    | ASP                |   SP B    | ASP     |
    |      |___________|                    |___________|         |
    |            |                                |               |
    |      M2UA  |  SCTP                    M2UA  |  SCTP         |
    |            |  Association                   |  Association  |
    |       _____|_____                      _____|_____          |
    |      |           |                    |           |         |
    |      |    IUT    |____________________|    IUT    |         |
    |      |   SP A    |  |  Signalling     |   SP B    |         |
    |      |___________|  |     Link        |___________|         |
    |         M2UA SG     |                    M2UA SG            |
    |                     |                                       |
    |                 ____|____                                   |
    |                |         |                                  |
    |                |  Link   |                                  |
    |                | Monitor |                                  |
    |                |_________|                                  |
    |                                                             |

             Figure 6.  Compatibility Test Configuration #3

2.2.1.  Test Sequence

     Testing of a particular M2UA SG implementation SHOULD be performed
  in the following order.

   (1)   Validation Test Configuration #1 -- validation tests [Q.781
         or M2PATEST04] directly.

   (2)   Validation Test Configuration #2 -- validation tests [Q.781
         or M2PATEST04] with M2UA interface between SG and MTP Level 3

   (3)   Compatibility Test Configuration #1 -- compatibility tests
         [Q.781 or M2PATEST04] directly.

   (4)   Compatibility Test Configuration #2 -- compatibility tests
         [Q.781 or M2PATEST04] with M2UA interface between SG and MTP
         Level 3 Simulator.

     Testing of a particular M2UA ASP implementation against an SG
  implementation (already tested per above) SHOULD be performed in the
  following order:

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   (5)   Validation Test Configuration #3 -- validation tests [Q.781
         or M2PATEST04] directly, with SG/ASP interaction within the

   (6)   Compatibility Test Configuration #3 -- compatibility tests
         [Q.781 or M2PATEST04] directly, with SG/ASP interaction within
         the IUT.

     In addtion, validation testing of the M2UA protocol between ASP and
  SG SHOULD be performed independent of SS7 MTP Level 2 validation
  testing in accordance with a validation test suite for M2UA[1].  Also,
  compatibility testing of the M2UA protocol between ASP and SG SHOULD
  be performed independent of SS7 MTP Level 2 compatibility testing in
  accordance with a compatibility test suite for M2UA[2].

     The normal methodology for testing SS7 MTP Level 2 [Q.781,
  M2PATEST04] is to perform validation testing on an IUT before
  performing compatibility testing.  The tests presented in [Q.781
  and M2PATEST04] test the functionality of the MTP Level 2 state
  machines; however, they do not adequately test the L2 to L3 interface.

     To complete validation and compatibility testing of M2UA, the
  validation and compatibility tests presented in the SS7 MTP Level 3
  Test Specification [Q.782] SHOULD be performed with the M2UA ASP in
  the test environment to assure that the M2UA IUT has properly
  implemented the L2 to L3 interface.  The test environment for
  executing [Q.782] tests are outside the scope of this document.

   (7)   MTP Level 3 Validation Tests -- validation tests [Q.781]
         performed with SG/ASP interaction within the IUT.

   (8)   MTP Level 3 Compatibility Tests -- compatibility tests [Q.781]
         performed with SG/ASP interaction within the IUT.

Notes for Section 2

  [1]  At the time of writing this memo, there did not exist an IETF
       validation test suite specification for the M2UA protocol.  The
       author of this memo is working on the development of such a

  [2]  At the timer of writing this memo, there did not exist an IETF
       compatibility test suite specificaiton for the M2UA protocol.
       There does exist, however, several M2UA Interop test plans that
       come close to such a specification.  The author of this memo is
       also working on the development of such a specification.

3.  Tests

     This section details the validation and compatibility tests to be

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3.1.  Test Cases

     In each test configuration, the applicable Validation tests or
  Compatibility tests of the SS7 MTP Level 2 Test Specification [Q.781,
  M2PATEST04], or other applicatble SS7 MTP Level 2 test specification,
  SHALL be performed.

4.  Mapping of Signals

     The mapping of SS7 MTP Level 2 [Q.703, M2PA09] signals, SS7 MTP
  Level 2 Test [Q.781, M2PATEST04] commands, and SS7 MTP2-User
  Adaptation Layer [M2UA] messages are listed in Table 1.  Each [Q.703,
  M2PA09] signal SHALL be mapped onto a [Q.781, M2PATEST04] command or
  indication and onto a [M2UA] message.  When the SS7 MTP Level 2
  [Q.781, M2PATEST04] test case calls for a given [Q.703, M2PA09] signal
  or [Q.781, M2PATEST04] command or indication, the corresponding [M2UA]
  message SHALL be injected or collected by the MTP Level 3 Simulator.

   Table 1. Mapping of Q.703 Signals, Q.781 Commands and M2UA Messages

      M2UA        | M2UA                 | Q.703        | Q.781
      Message     | Parameter            | Signal       | Notation
      ESTABLISH   |                      | Start        | :start
      Request     |                      |              |
      ESTABLISH   |                      | In Service   | <1>
      Confirm     |                      |              |
      RELEASE     |                      | Stop         | :stop
      Request     |                      |              |
      RELEASE     |                      | <5>          | <5>
      Confirm     |                      |              |
      RELEASE     |                      | Link         | <2>
      Indication  |                      | Failure      |
      STATE       | STATUS_LPO_SET       | Local        | :set LPO
      Request     |                      | Processor    |
                  |                      | Outage       |
                  | STATUS_LPO_CLR       | Local        | :clear LPO
                  |                      | Processor    |
                  |                      | Recovered    |
                  | STATUS_EMER_SET      | Emergency    | :set EM
                  | STATUS_EMER_CLR      | Emergency    | :clear EM
                  |                      | Ceases       |

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Internet-Draft                M2UA-SS7TEST                 July 26, 2003

      M2UA        | M2UA                 | Q.703        | Q.781
      Message     | Parameter            | Signal       | Notation
                  | STATUS_FLUSH_BUFFERS | Flush        | <3>
                  |                      | Buffers      |
                  | STATUS_CONTINUE      | Continue     | <3>
                  | STATUS_CLEAR_RTB     | Clear        | <3>
                  |                      | RTB          |
                  | STATUS_CONG_ACCEPT   | Congestion   | <4>
                  |                      | Accept       |
                  | STATUS_CONG_DISCARD  | Congestion   | :make
                  |                      | Discard      | congestion
                  |                      |              | state
                  | STATUS_CONG_CLEAR    | No           | :clear
                  |                      | Congestion   | congestion
                  |                      |              | state
      STATE       |                      | <5>          | <5>
      Confirm     |                      |              |
      STATE       | EVENT_RPO_ENTER      | Remote       | <9>
      Indication  |                      | Processor    |
                  |                      | Outage       |
                  | EVENT_RPO_EXIT       | Remote       | <9>
                  |                      | Processor    |
                  |                      | Recovered    |
      DATA        | ACTION_RTRV_BSN      | Retrieve     | <7>
      RETRIEVAL   |                      | BSNT         |
      Request     +----------------------+--------------+------------
                  | ACTION_RTRV_MSGS     | Retrieval    | <7>
                  |                      | Request      |
                  |                      | and FSNC     |
      DATA        | ACTION_RTRV_MSGS     | Retrieved    | <7>
      RETRIEVAL   |                      | Message      |
      Confirm     +----------------------+--------------+------------
                  | ACTION_RTRV_BSN      | BSNT         | <7>
      DATA        |                      | Retrieval    | <7>
      RETRIEVAL   |                      | Complete     |
      COMPLETE    |                      |              |
      Indication  |                      |              |
      CONGESTION  |                      | <6>          | <6>
      Indication  |                      |              |

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Internet-Draft                M2UA-SS7TEST                 July 26, 2003

      M2UA        | M2UA                 | Q.703        | Q.781
      Message     | Parameter            | Signal       | Notation
      DATA        |                      | <5>          | <5>
      Acknowledge |                      |              |
      DATA        |                      | Message      | <8>
      Request     |                      | for          |
                  |                      | Transmission |
      DATA        |                      | Received     |
      Indication  |                      | Message      |
      <10>        |                      | Power On     | :power ON
      <10>        |                      | --           | :tx break

  Notes for Table 1:

  <1>  MTP Level 2 Test Specifications [Q.781, M2PATEST04] do not
       provide a notation for "In Service" indication; however, in a
       number of test cases it is necessary to establish that the link
       is in the "In Service" state.  The ESTABLISH Confirm [M2UA]
       message sent by the SG can be used to confirm that the link has
       acheived the "In Service" state.

  <2>  MTP Level 2 Test Specifications [Q.781, M2PATEST04] do not
       provide a notation for "Link Failure" indication; however, in a
       number of test cases it is necessary to establish that the link
       has failed.  The RELEASE Indication [M2UA] message sent by the SG
       can be used to confirm that the link has failed.

  <3>  MTP Level 2 Test Specifications [Q.781, M2PATEST04] do not
       provide a notation for "Flush Buffers," "Clear RTB," "Continue,"
       or "Resume."  However, use of these primitives is necessary in
       some test cases (e.g. test case 4.1 [Q.781], test case 3.4.1
       [M2PATEST04]).  The STATE Request [M2UA] message with the
       values SHOULD be used to perform these functions.

  <4>  MTP Level 2 Test Specifications [Q.781, M2PATEST04] do not
       require the use of this request.

  <5>  There are no SS7 MTP Level 2 [Q.703, M2PA09] signals or SS7 MTP
       Level 2 Test [Q.781, M2PATEST04] actions that correspond to these
       [M2UA] messages; however, these messages are required by the
       [M2UA] specifications and it SHOULD be verified that the SG
       issues these messages to the test enviroment under the
       appropriate conditions during testing.

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Internet-Draft                M2UA-SS7TEST                 July 26, 2003

  <6>  Although SS7 MTP Level 2 [Q.703, M2PA09] provides signals to SS7
       MTP Level 3 [Q.704] indicating congesiton onset and abatement
       that use these [M2UA] messages, SS7 MTP Level 2 Tests [Q.781,
       M2PATEST04] do not perform congestion testing that would generate
       these indications to the test environment.

  <7>  MTP Level 2 Test Specifications [Q.781, M2PATEST04] do not test
       retrieval.  Retrieval tests are performed by SS7 MTP Level 3
       testing [Q.782].

  <8>  MTP Level 2 Test Specifications [Q.781, M2PATEST04] do not have a
       notation for signalling messages (other than indicating that an
       MSU is sent or received); however, signalling messages are
       exchanged between L2 and L3 as a normal course of most of the SS7
       MTP Level 2 tests [Q.781, M2PATEST04].

  <9>  MTP Level 2 Test Specifications [Q.781, M2PATEST04] do not
       provide a notation for "Remote Processor Outage" or "Remote
       Processor Recovered" indications.  These indications are not
       required in SS7 MTP Level 2 tests [Q.781, M2PATEST04]; however,
       these indications SHOULD be delivered to the test environment on
       entry and exit from the "Remote Processour Outage" state.

  <10> MTP Level 2 Test Specifications [Q.781, M2PATEST04] defines these
       signals, and these signals are required within the test
       environment [Q.780, M2PATEST04]; however, these signals are
       outside the scope of the SS7 MTP2-User Adaptation Layer [M2UA]
       protocol and SHOULD be generated by other means.

       Note that it is possible that some implementations might use the
       REGISTRATION Request or ASP-ACTIVE [M2UA] messages for powering
       on the signalling link.

     All of the applicable validation or compatibility tests of the SS7
  MTP Level 2 Test Specification [Q.781, M2PATEST04] SHALL be performed
  in this fashion with the mapping presented in Table 1.  For other SS7
  Conformance Test Specifications, a similar mapping and the test
  configurations presented SHOULD be used.

5.  Examples

Security Considerations

     There are no security considerations for this draft.

IANA Considerations

     There are no IANA considerations for this draft.

B. Bidulock                    Version 0.0                       Page 16

Internet-Draft                M2UA-SS7TEST                 July 26, 2003

0.  Change History

     This section provides historical information on the changes made to
  this draft.  This section will be removed from the document when the
  document is finalized.

0.0.  Version 0.0

     This is the first version of this document.

0.0.0.  Change Log

    $Log:,v $
    Revision  2003/07/28 13:10:34  brian

    Revision  2003/07/27 08:15:27  brian
    Checking in changes.

    Revision  2003/07/26 23:19:03  brian
    Minor corrections to table.

    Revision 0.8  2003/07/26 19:10:57  brian
    Added new drafts.

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Internet-Draft                M2UA-SS7TEST                 July 26, 2003

R.  References

R.1.  Normative References

  [M2UA]  Morneault, K., Dantu, R., Sidebottom, G., Bidulock, B. and
       Heitz, J., "Signaling System 7 (SS7) Message Transfer Part 2
       (MTP2) - User Adaptation Layer," RFC 3331, Internet Engineering
       Task Force - Signalling Transport Working Group (September,

  [Q.780]  ITU, "Signalling System No. 7 Test Specification -- General
       Description," ITU-T Recommendation Q.780, ITU-T Telecommunication
       Standardization Sector of ITU, Geneva (October 1995).
       (Previously "CCITT Recommendation")

  [Q.781]  ITU, "Signalling System No. 7 - MTP Level 2 Test
       Specification," ITU-T Recommendation Q.781, ITU-T
       Telecommunication Standardization Sector of ITU, Geneva (March
       1993).  (Previously "CCITT Recommendation")

  [M2PATEST04]  Bidulock, B., "SS7 MTP-User Peer-to-Peer Adaptation
       Layer Test Specifications (M2PA-TEST)," <draft-bidulock-sigtran-
       m2pa-test-04.txt>, Internet Engineering Task Force - Signalling
       Transport Working Group (July 26, 2003).  Work In Progress.

  [Q.703]  ITU, "Signalling System No. 7 - Signalling Link," ITU-T
       Recommendation Q.703, ITU-T Telecommunication Standardization
       Sector of ITU, Geneva (March 1993).  (Previously "CCITT

  [M2PA09]  George, T., Bidulock, B., Dantu, R., Kalla, M.,
       Schwarzbauer, H. J. and Morneault, K., "SS7 MTP2-User Peer-to-
       Peer Adaptation Layer," <draft-ietf-sigtran-m2pa-09.txt>,
       Internet Engineering Task Force - Signalling Transport Working
       Group (June 29, 2003).  Work In Progress.

  [RFC 2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
       Requirement Levels," RFC 2119 - BCP 14, The Internet Society
       (March 1997).

R.2.  Informative References

  [Q.704]  ITU, "Message Transfer Part - Signalling Network Functions
       and Messages," ITU-T Recommendation Q.704, ITU-T
       Telecommunication Standardization Sector of ITU, Geneva (March
       1993).  (Previously "CCITT Recommendation")

  [Q.782]  ITU, "Specifications of Signalling System No. 7 -- Test
       Specification -- MTP Level 3 Test Specification," ITU-T
       Recommendation Q.782, ITU-T Telecommunication Standardization
       Sector of ITU, Geneva (July 1996).  (Previously "CCITT

B. Bidulock                    Version 0.0                       Page 18

Internet-Draft                M2UA-SS7TEST                 July 26, 2003

Author's Addresses

  Brian Bidulock                                  Phone: +1-780-490-1141
  OpenSS7 Corporation                        Email:
  1469 Jeffreys Crescent                     URL: http//
  Edmonton, AB  T6L 6T1

  This draft expires January 2004.

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Internet-Draft                M2UA-SS7TEST                 July 26, 2003

                            List of Tables

  Table 1. Mapping of Q.703 Signals, Q.781 Commands and M2UA
     Messages .....................................................   13

                        List of Illustrations

  Figure 1. Validation Test Configuration #1 ......................    5
  Figure 2. Validation Test Configuration #2 ......................    6
  Figure 3. Validation Test Configuration #3 ......................    8
  Figure 4. Compatibility Test Configuration #1 ...................    8
  Figure 5. Compatibility Test Configuration #2 ...................    9
  Figure 6. Compatibility Test Configuration #3 ...................   11

                          Table of Contents

  Status of this Memo .............................................    1
  Copyright .......................................................    1
  Abstract ........................................................    1
  1 Introduction ..................................................    2
  1.1 Scope .......................................................    2
  1.2 Abbreviations ...............................................    2
  1.3 Terminology .................................................    3
  1.4 Conventions .................................................    4
  2 Test Environment ..............................................    4
  2.1 Test Configurations .........................................    5
  2.1.1 Validation Test Configuration .............................    5
  2.1.2 Compatibility Test Configurations .........................    7
  2.2 Testing Methodologies .......................................   10
  2.2.1 Test Sequence .............................................   11
  Notes for Section 2 .............................................   12
  3 Tests .........................................................   12
  3.1 Test Cases ..................................................   13
  4 Mapping of Signals ............................................   13
  5 Examples ......................................................   16
  Security Considerations .........................................   16
  IANA Considerations .............................................   16
  0 Change History ................................................   17
  0.0 Version 0.0 .................................................   17
  0.0.0 Change Log ................................................   17
  R References ....................................................   18
  R.1 Normative References ........................................   18
  R.2 Informative References ......................................   18
  Author's Addresses ..............................................   19
  List of Tables ..................................................   20
  List of Illustrations ...........................................   20
  Table of Contents ...............................................   20

B. Bidulock                    Version 0.0                       Page 20

Internet-Draft                M2UA-SS7TEST                 July 26, 2003

Full Copyright Statement

  Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003).  All Rights Reserved.

     This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to
  others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it
  or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published and
  distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any kind,
  provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
  included on all such copies and derivative works.  However, this
  document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing
  the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other
  Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of developing
  Internet standards in which case the procedure for copyrights defined
  in the Internet Standards process must be followed, or as required to
  translate into languages other than English.

     The limited permission granted above are perpetual and will not be
  revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

     This document and the information contained herein is provided on


     Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the
  Internet Society.

B. Bidulock                    Version 0.0                       Page 21

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